Reading and Literacy

Oral language development and early literacy abilities begin at infancy. Children who experience speech and language delays may also experience difficulties when it is time to read.
Reading is one of the most prevalent learning difficulties among elementary-school-aged children. It is also the way children access the school curriculum. Effective reading instruction is essential, yet proper intervention is rarely provided in the average classroom. Providing appropriate reading instruction allows your child to close this gap and access the curriculum.
Reading and literacy intervention consists of weekly instruction, home-programming and parent consultation.
Instruction is customized to meet the specific needs of the client to increase reading automaticity, word recognition, orthographic skills, comprehension, confidence and grade-reading level.
Sessions Include:
Highly structured, multi-sensory, systematic reading instruction such as Orton Gillingham and Tilian-Cas’ Lively Letters. Our sessions help:
- Improve ability to sound out words
- Increase reading grade level
- Enhance carry-over of reading skills to the classroom
- Provide a home program to allow practice between sessions

Social Language Abilities

Does your bright child struggle socially? Our social thinking skills are designed for that quirky child who has no formal diagnosis, as well as for those who do have Aspergers/High Functioning Autism. The goal is to give your child the tools to improve the quality of his or her social life. We will be detectives, unlocking the mysteries of social language.
The sessions are designed to meet the social skills required in the client’s language environments. We use the Socially Thinking curriculum by Michelle Garcia Winner, alongside other therapy techniques. Home programming, video modeling, and social homework are integral parts of these sessions.